First Full Run Through!

Over the weekend we held a number of rehearsals and I'm proud to announce we had our first full run through of the show on Saturday. A lot has changed since the initial concept hatched last year. At first we were thinking of having 10 scenes - the current count is more like 14. We are also playing a lot with the props and our "set" to help us have a cohesive style.
I feel like I say this in every blog post, but I am so happy to be working with this cast. Every time we get together is a joy.
The Fringe Preview is coming up in about a week, and today we recorded a voice over for our 2 minute preview. We will be doing an audible and visual synopsis of the story 4 times inside of 2 minutes with each member of the cast playing the role of Hannay in each of the 4 vignettes.
Yesterday we blocked out the preview and did several run throughs at a low speed, getting faster, changing small details, and finally running everything at full speed in the parking lot. The Margeson theatre (Orange) is not really any wider than the Mandell (Pink) but it is twice the size of our stage because of the thrust design, and the tunnels coming out from under the audience are presenting some challenges and opportunities for us.
I need to get my flyers printed this week! If I don't we won't have anything to hand out at Preview - I want to be sparing with them, I think it is a bit of a waste of paper to give out something that will be forgotten in a month. We'll see how it goes this week.